what are earths 4 subsystems?

Is it..... Lithosphere,Hydrosphere,Biosphere, and Atmosphere?

Yes, according to http://www.strategies.org/docs/ESSEA_29OCT/hilk4/intro/ess.html

Yes, your answer is correct! The four subsystems of the Earth are the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere.

To get this answer, you can break down the Earth into different components and understand their functions:

1. Lithosphere: This refers to the solid outer layer of the Earth, including the Earth's crust and uppermost part of the mantle. It involves the landforms, such as mountains, plateaus, and valleys.

2. Hydrosphere: This refers to all the Earth's water, including oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, groundwater, and even water vapor in the atmosphere. It involves the study of bodies of water and the water cycle.

3. Biosphere: This refers to the part of the Earth where life exists. It includes all living organisms, including plants, animals, and microorganisms. The biosphere interacts with all the other subsystems, as life depends on the resources and conditions provided by the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.

4. Atmosphere: This refers to the layer of gases surrounding the Earth. It includes the air we breathe and extends about 10 kilometers from the surface. The atmosphere plays a crucial role in weather patterns, climate, and the protection of living organisms from harmful solar radiation.

Understanding these interconnections and the functions of each subsystem helps us comprehend the Earth as a complex and interconnected system.