A. Triangle ABC is reflected over the y-axis. What are the coordinates of the reflected triangle?

B. Describe in words what happens to the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the original triangle’s vertices as a result of this reflection.

I already got the first part but i need help with the second part

well great *hello* i am probably going to fail now i just needed help why would you do that to me

wow I have no idea if I should trust this person someone help me plz

Nevermind I guess he was right well guys you can trust hello even though he was messing with me he was right

Um thank you I guess

For the second part of the question, let's explore the effects of reflecting a triangle over the y-axis.

When a figure is reflected over the y-axis, each point's y-coordinate remains the same, but the x-coordinate is negated.

So, let's consider the original triangle's vertices A (x1, y1), B (x2, y2), and C (x3, y3).

1. The x-coordinate of vertex A becomes its negative value, so the new x-coordinate of A' is -x1.

2. The x-coordinate of vertex B becomes its negative value, so the new x-coordinate of B' is -x2.

3. The x-coordinate of vertex C becomes its negative value, so the new x-coordinate of C' is -x3.

In summary, the reflection over the y-axis results in the negation of the x-coordinates of the original triangle's vertices. The y-coordinates remain the same.

I can help ($-$)

if you already got the first part
then it is a reflection of the coordinates from your first answer which would be this A'(-1, 3) B'(-4, 5) C'(-3, 1)

haha i have no idea what i am talking about i just made things up

oh crap, i just gave people the answer to the first question well woops it OK

just kidding it was an edjucated guess haha