Draw a flowchart to represent the logic of a program that allows the user to enter five values. The program prints the modulus (%) of the five values and the product (Multiplication) of the five values

Cannot draw any chart on these posts.

To draw a flowchart to represent the logic of the program that allows the user to enter five values and prints the modulus and product of those values, you can follow the steps below:

1. Start the flowchart.
2. Display a message asking the user to enter the first value.
3. Take input from the user and store it in a variable (e.g., "value1").
4. Display a message asking the user to enter the second value.
5. Take input from the user and store it in a variable (e.g., "value2").
6. Display a message asking the user to enter the third value.
7. Take input from the user and store it in a variable (e.g., "value3").
8. Display a message asking the user to enter the fourth value.
9. Take input from the user and store it in a variable (e.g., "value4").
10. Display a message asking the user to enter the fifth value.
11. Take input from the user and store it in a variable (e.g., "value5").
12. Calculate the modulus of the five values by applying the modulus operator (%) to each value in series.
13. Store the result in a variable (e.g., "modulus").
14. Calculate the product of the five values by multiplying them together.
15. Store the result in a variable (e.g., "product").
16. Display the modulus and product values to the user.
17. End the flowchart.

Note: To represent input/output and actions in a flowchart, you can use the appropriate symbols such as parallelograms for input/output, rectangles for processes or actions, diamonds for decision points, and arrows to connect the symbols.

Please keep in mind that flowcharts can be created using various software tools, such as Microsoft Visio, Lucidchart, or even drawing applications like Microsoft Paint.