A sinusoidal voltage Δv = 35.0 sin(100t), where Δv is in volts and t is in seconds, is applied to a series RLC circuit with L = 180 mH, C = 99.0 µF, and R = 62.0 Ω.

D) Determine the numerical value for 𝜑 (in rad) in the equation i = Imax sin(𝜔t − 𝜑).

To determine the numerical value for 𝜑 (in rad) in the equation i = Imax sin(𝜔t − 𝜑), we need to first find the current i in the RLC circuit.

Given that Δv = 35.0 sin(100t), we can find the angular frequency 𝜔 using the formula:

𝜔 = 2πf

where f is the frequency.

Since the voltage is sinusoidal, its frequency can be determined from the coefficient of t in the sine function. In this case, the coefficient is 100, so the frequency f is:

f = 100 Hz

Now we can calculate 𝜔:

𝜔 = 2π(100) = 200π rad/s

Next, we can calculate the impedance Z of the RLC circuit using the formulas:

Z = R + j(XL - XC)

where R is the resistance, XL is the inductive reactance, and XC is the capacitive reactance.

XL = 2πfL, where L is the inductance

XC = 1 / (2πfC), where C is the capacitance

Substituting the given values, we get:

XL = 2π(100)(180 × 10^(-3)) = 36π Ω

XC = 1 / (2π(100)(99 × 10^(-6))) = 1 / (198π) Ω

Now we can calculate the impedance Z:

Z = 62 + j(36π - 1 / (198π)) Ω

To find the current i, we use Ohm's Law:

i = Δv / Z

Substituting the given values, we get:

i = 35.0 sin(100t) / (62 + j(36π - 1 / (198π))) Ω

Now we can compare this equation to i = Imax sin(𝜔t − 𝜑) to determine the value of 𝜑:

We can see that the angular frequency 𝜔 in both equations is 200π rad/s.

Therefore, to find the value of 𝜑, we need to compare the arguments (angles) in the two equations.

From the equation i = 35.0 sin(100t) / (62 + j(36π - 1 / (198π))) Ω, we can determine the angle by calculating the inverse tangent of the imaginary part divided by the real part of the impedance's argument:

𝜑 = atan((36π - 1 / (198π)) / 62)

By evaluating this expression, we can find the numerical value for 𝜑 (in rad) in the equation i = Imax sin(𝜔t − 𝜑).