52 is a 2-digit number. The digits are 5 and 2.If you subtract the smaller digit from the larger digit you will get 3.what [2-digit number] gives you the biggest difference when you subtract the digit.

my anwser is 45.

How about 91?

Or 90?

could you explain please ? thank you

9 - 0 = 9

9 - 1 = 8

mine was 52-5=47-2=45

where did you get 90 I'm confused thank you

I don't know my answer

To find the two-digit number that gives you the biggest difference when you subtract the digits, you need to consider all possible combinations. Since we know that the digits are 5 and 2, let's explore the options:

1. Subtracting 2 from 5 gives us a difference of 3.
2. Subtracting 5 from 2 gives us a difference of -3, which is not a positive difference.

Therefore, the difference can only be 3. It seems like you might have misunderstood the question or made an error in your answer. The two-digit number that satisfies the condition mentioned is actually 32, where subtracting 2 from 3 gives a difference of 1, which is the biggest possible difference for any two-digit number.