I need help writing a thesis for David Chariandy's book Brother. Maybe something like "David Chariandy’s Brother portrays the idea that ….Dreaming becomes the motivation for a brighter future. "

Someone please help me

That's not a thesis statement. It's a topic.

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it wasn't a finished thesis, it's the topic I want to focus the thesis around. I was hoping for some ideas on how to word it to make sense.

Writing a thesis statement requires a careful analysis of the text and its themes. To develop a strong thesis statement for David Chariandy's Brother, you should consider the key ideas and messages conveyed throughout the book. Here's a step-by-step approach to help you formulate your thesis statement:

1. Read the Book: Begin by thoroughly reading Brother to gain a comprehensive understanding of the story, characters, and themes explored in the narrative.

2. Identify the Central Theme: Consider the main overarching theme or message that the author is trying to convey. In Brother, some possible themes could be racial identity, brotherhood, the impact of societal expectations, or the pursuit of dreams.

3. Evaluate Character Development: Analyze how the characters in the novel evolve and respond to their environments. Look for moments when dreams and aspirations play a significant role in shaping their actions and decisions.

4. Connect the Theme to Dreaming and Motivation: Reflect on how the theme identified in Step 2 is related to the idea of dreaming and its impact on the characters' motivations. Consider moments in the book where dreaming helps characters strive for a brighter future.

5. Drafting the Thesis Statement: Based on the previous steps, attempt to articulate your thesis statement. It should express your analysis while being clear, specific, and arguable. For example:

"Through the portrayal of characters' dreams and aspirations, David Chariandy's Brother highlights the transformative power of hope, illustrating how it becomes a driving force that motivates individuals to overcome adversity and strive for a brighter future."

Remember, this is just an example, and you should tailor your thesis statement to reflect your own analysis and interpretation of the book. Make sure to provide evidence and examples from the text to support your argument throughout your essay.