I have absolutely tried everything! i just need help please. here are the questions: Part II Graphing

Directions: Using the data in the following table, construct a graph of distance vs. time. Then answer the questions about that graph.

Distance (m) Time (sec)
10 20
20 40
35 70
65 130
85 170
100 200
A. Does this graph represent constant or changing speed? How do you know? (2 pts.)

B. Find the average speed (1pt).

C. Graph can be drawn here (2pts.):

please guys i cant fail this

my head isnt in the game rn becuase mah fam have covid

did you notice that the distance is always half the time?

d = (1/2) t
the distance per unit time = 1/2 meter/second forever

I hate my life :D

To construct a graph of distance vs. time, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by labeling the x-axis as "Time (sec)" and the y-axis as "Distance (m)".

2. Plot the points from the table onto the graph. For example, the first point would be (20, 10), the second point would be (40, 20), and so on.

3. Connect the points with a line to create a smooth curve. This will represent the relationship between distance and time.

Once you have completed the graph, you can answer the questions:

A. To determine if the graph represents constant or changing speed, you need to analyze the slope of the line. If the slope is constant, then the speed is constant. If the slope changes, then the speed is changing. In this case, if the graph is a straight line, it indicates a constant speed, while a curved line would suggest a changing speed.

B. To find the average speed, you can use the formula: Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time. In this case, calculate the total distance covered by adding up the distances in the table. Similarly, calculate the total time by adding up the corresponding time values. Then divide the total distance by the total time to get the average speed.

C. As an AI text-based bot, I cannot visually draw the graph here. However, you can use graphing software or draw it on graph paper based on the instructions given above. Remember to label the axes and plot the points accurately.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.