Read the excerpt from "My Lord Bag of Rice."

At last the dreadful night was over. Day dawned beautiful and clear. The centipede was gone from the mountain.

What historical fact is reflected in this excerpt?

Hidesato brought peace to Japan by defeating a rebel force.
Hidesato was appointed a general by Japan’s emperor.
Hidesato and his forces overthrew the government of Japan.
Hidesato was given many gifts for helping the people of Japan.

To determine the historical fact reflected in this excerpt, we should refer to the context of the story. However, since the given excerpt is very brief and doesn't provide much information, we cannot accurately determine the historical fact solely based on this small passage. To gain a complete understanding and find the historical fact, it is necessary to read the entire story or additional information surrounding it.

If you have access to the full story "My Lord Bag of Rice" or additional historical context, I recommend reading it or referring to reputable sources to gather more information about Hidesato, the events described, and their historical significance.