Thermal energy is caused by the motion of

A. Mixing water molecules contained in a beaker.
B. molecules in solid, liquid, and gas phases.****
C. mixing two different molecules together.
D. molecules that have reached equilibrium.

I think B is correct

looks good

I agree with your choice but under the right conditions C can cause heating also. For example, mixing and acid and a base will generate about 55 kJ of energy per mole.

You are correct! Thermal energy is caused by the motion of molecules in solid, liquid, and gas phases, so option B is the correct answer.

To arrive at this answer, you can use your understanding of thermal energy. Thermal energy is a form of kinetic energy that is associated with the motion of particles at the molecular level. In solids, molecules are tightly packed and vibrate in fixed positions. In liquids and gases, molecules have more freedom to move around and interact with each other. The motion of these molecules generates thermal energy.

By considering the other options:

A) Mixing water molecules contained in a beaker: While mixing water molecules may cause a change in temperature due to energy transfer, it does not accurately represent the general concept of thermal energy being attributed to the motion of molecules in different phases.

C) Mixing two different molecules together: The concept of thermal energy is not solely dependent on mixing different molecules. It's a more fundamental property related to the motion of particles.

D) Molecules that have reached equilibrium: The concept of equilibrium is not directly linked to the generation of thermal energy. Thermal energy exists even when molecules reach equilibrium, as their motion still contributes to the overall energy of the system.

Therefore, based on the definition and understanding of thermal energy, option B is the most appropriate choice.

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