This is a picture of a cube and the net for the cube.

What is the surface area of the cube?
A cube and a net of the cube are shown. The edge length of the cube is labeled 8 millimeters. The net consists of 4 squares connected horizontally, and 1 square attached to the top of the fourth square and 1 square attached to the bottom of the first square. One square in the net is labeled with a side length 8 millimeters.

This is a picture of a cube and the net for the cube.

What is the surface area of the cube?


To find the surface area of the cube, we need to calculate the area of all its faces and then sum them up.

In the given problem, we are provided the edge length of the cube as 8 millimeters. Since all sides of a cube are equal in length, we know that all the squares in the net have a side length of 8 millimeters.

The net consists of 4 squares connected horizontally, which forms the four lateral faces of the cube. These squares have an area of (side length)² = (8 mm)² = 64 square millimeters each. So, the total area of the four lateral faces is 4 * 64 = 256 square millimeters.

Additionally, the net also includes one square attached to the top of the fourth square and one square attached to the bottom of the first square. These squares represent the top and bottom faces of the cube, respectively. Each of these squares has an area of (side length)² = (8 mm)² = 64 square millimeters.

Therefore, the total surface area of the cube is the sum of the areas of all its faces: 256 + 64 + 64 = 384 square millimeters.

In conclusion, the surface area of the cube is 384 square millimeters.

Surface area = 2(L *W) + 2(L * H) + 2(W * H)

I don't know about the net, because no net or cube are shown.