Grade A printing press prints T-shirts and has only two machines. X and Y machine X prints64 T-shirts per hour and machine Y prints 44 T-shirts in one hour. The company has an order from learn Africa plc to produce 1430 T-shirts in 25 hours. How many hours will it take to print on each machine

To calculate the number of hours it will take to print the required number of T-shirts on each machine, we first need to determine their individual production rates.

Machine X prints 64 T-shirts per hour.
Machine Y prints 44 T-shirts per hour.

Next, we can calculate the total number of T-shirts that can be printed by both machines combined in one hour:

Total production rate = Production rate of machine X + Production rate of machine Y
= 64 T-shirts/hour + 44 T-shirts/hour
= 108 T-shirts/hour

Now, we can calculate the total number of T-shirts that can be printed in 25 hours using both machines:

Total number of T-shirts = Total production rate × Number of hours
= 108 T-shirts/hour × 25 hours
= 2700 T-shirts

However, the company has an order from Learn Africa plc to produce 1430 T-shirts. Therefore, it will take less than 25 hours to complete the order. We can calculate the exact number of hours by dividing the total number of T-shirts required by the combined production rate of the machines:

Number of hours = Total number of T-shirts required / Total production rate
= 1430 T-shirts / 108 T-shirts/hour
≈ 13.24 hours

Rounding up, we can conclude that it will take approximately 14 hours to print 1430 T-shirts on both machines.