A technology trainer is teaching a group of teachers how to create a class website. In order to increase teacher motivation to learn, the trainer could

a. Have the teachers create their website and provide help as needed.
b. Give the teachers worksheets with true or false questions to complete.
c. Report to the principal any teacher who seems unmotivated.
d. Only allow teachers with good websites to post to the Internet.

To determine the best option for increasing teacher motivation to learn how to create a class website, let's analyze each of the given choices:

a. Have the teachers create their website and provide help as needed.
This option encourages active participation and hands-on learning. By engaging in the actual creation of their websites, teachers will likely feel motivated as they see their progress and accomplishments. Additionally, providing help as needed ensures that teachers feel supported and understand that they are not alone in their learning process.

b. Give the teachers worksheets with true or false questions to complete.
While worksheets can be a useful tool for reinforcement and assessment, they are less likely to increase motivation to learn a new skill. Worksheets are often considered passive learning activities and may not provide the necessary level of engagement to stimulate motivation.

c. Report to the principal any teacher who seems unmotivated.
This option focuses on punishment rather than motivation. Reporting teachers who seem unmotivated may create a negative and fear-based environment, which is unlikely to foster genuine motivation and interest in learning.

d. Only allow teachers with good websites to post to the Internet.
This option can be demotivating as it sets a high standard right from the start. It may make teachers feel pressured to meet certain criteria before they even fully understand the website creation process. This approach can potentially create feelings of discouragement and hinder motivation to learn.

Based on our analysis, option a. (Have the teachers create their website and provide help as needed) appears to be the most effective way to increase teacher motivation. By actively engaging in the creation process and receiving support when needed, teachers are more likely to feel confident, motivated, and empowered to learn and improve their website-building skills.