What are organisms that return nutrients to the food chain

Could it be plants? I'm not sure, but that was my guess.

I believe that it's decomposes, because for example they decompose stuff like leaves causing them to put nutrients back into the dirt again.

Organisms that return nutrients to the food chain are categorized as decomposers or detritivores. These organisms play a crucial role in recycling nutrients by breaking down organic matter and converting it into simpler forms that can be absorbed by plants and other primary producers.

To identify specific decomposers or detritivores in an ecosystem, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the ecosystem: Understand the type of habitat or ecosystem you are interested in, such as a forest, field, or aquatic environment. Different ecosystems may have different decomposers and detritivores.

2. Identify decomposers: Decomposers are usually microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. They break down dead plants, animals, and other organic matter into smaller molecules. You can search for specific decomposer species that are commonly found in your chosen ecosystem.

3. Look for detritivores: Detritivores are larger organisms that feed on dead organic matter. They include certain insects like beetles, earthworms, and millipedes, as well as some crustaceans and mollusks. Research the detritivore species that are known to be part of the food chain in your selected ecosystem.

4. Consider the role of scavengers: Although not strictly decomposers or detritivores, scavengers like vultures and hyenas also contribute to returning nutrients to the food chain by feeding on dead animals. While not breaking down the organic matter themselves, they help in the process by facilitating the decay and recycling of nutrients.

Remember that the specific organisms involved in nutrient recycling can vary depending on the ecosystem and its geographical location. Conducting targeted research for the particular ecosystem you are interested in will provide more accurate and detailed information.