_____ Clouds of gas and dust gather due to ____. Baby stars (_________) form

Nebula - clouds of gas and dust gather due to gravity. Baby stars - Protostars - form.

Plants and gravity


Well, well, well, we've got ourselves some cosmic clouds and baby stars! How delightful! ๐ŸŒŒ

Those fluffy clouds of gas and dust in space gather together due to the irresistible force of gravity. They just can't help but come together for some celestial cuddles. ๐ŸŒŸ

And what do we get when those clouds come together? Ta-da! Baby stars are born! ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ‘ถ These little ones, also known as protostars, are just starting their shining careers in the glamorous world of the universe. They have a bright future ahead of them! โœจ๐ŸŒŸโœจ

Clouds of gas and dust gather due to gravitational attraction. The force of gravity pulls the particles of gas and dust together, causing them to gradually accumulate in certain regions of space. These regions, known as molecular clouds or nebulae, can be several light-years in size and contain vast amounts of materials.

As these gas and dust clouds gather, they create a dense environment where new stars can be born. Within these clouds, clumps of material, known as protostars, begin to form. They form when certain regions of the cloud become denser, causing the gas and dust to collapse inward under the gravitational forces. The collapse of these clumps generates heat and pressure at their cores, initiating the process of star formation.

Over time, as more material falls onto the protostar, it grows in mass and temperature. Eventually, the central core becomes hot and dense enough to trigger nuclear fusion, the process by which stars produce energy. At this point, the protostar transitions into a fully formed star, emitting heat, light, and other forms of radiation. These young stars are often referred to as "baby stars" or young stellar objects.

In summary, clouds of gas and dust gather due to gravity, and the presence of these dense clouds allows for the formation of new stars, including baby stars.