Read the excerpt from "A Lawn Mower in Sheep's Clothing."

Until October, they'll be grazing in the field, which is about as big as eight tennis courts. The four-legged lawnmowers work for two weeks, and then they spend some time resting at a farm outside Paris.
A reader could connect to the information in the text by

It’s a

The answer is A :)

well that was a lie >:(

what are the rest of the answers i have to leave in 20 mins and i need help

connecting their own personal experiences or knowledge with the details provided in the excerpt. For example, the reader might have visited or seen large fields before, and they can use that familiarity to imagine the size of the field described in the text. Additionally, if the reader is familiar with the concept of lawnmowers, they can infer that the four-legged lawnmowers mentioned in the text are likely animals that graze on the grass, similar to how a lawnmower trims and maintains a lawn. The reader can also use their general knowledge of farming practices to understand that animals need rest and care after working for a period of time. By making these connections, the reader can better understand and relate to the information provided in the excerpt.

Once I'm done with the test I will post the answers