Analysis: What conclusions can you draw about the ways in which the medium changes or shapes the message? In this assignment you will present your analysis of the relationship between the medium and message using the specific example of the story of Chanie Wenjack

The Graphic Novel

Since there is a lack of text in the graphic novel depicting Chanie Wenjack’s story, the words used are able to effectively tell his story. As the story proceeds, it becomes evident that colour, motion, and facial expressions are used throughout the panels to either depict happiness or sadness and also show time passing. Frames with cooler-toned colours resemble sadness whereas warm-toned colours are used to show the opposite. As the main character in this particular graphic novel “travels” across the panels, a sense of time passing is shown. Readers have to assume these things, leaving what the graphic novel presents up to interpretation.

Gord Downie's The Secret Path -YouTube documentary
The first example of how the medium can affect the message is when the story of Chanie Wenjack is displayed with pictures. In the story, the cover has several pictures of various animals from their time. This helps the readers visualize and interpret the message of the story better as they are not just reading the story but getting an idea of how the children lived before they had to go to the residential schools.

The second example of how the medium can impact the message is when the story of Chaine Wenjack is shown through several songs with a documentary to go with them. Without having these illustrations go with the songs, every reader would get a different message. This is true as to how one person may interpret the lyrics may differ from somebody else.

The illustrations in Gord Downie's documentary gave me a somewhat different impression than what I read in Ian Adam's article. In the documentary, the illustrations make it appear like it took ample courage to run away from the school. This is evident as in the documentary, we see a child crying and yelling for help as a school teacher drags the child back inside the school. Whereas in Adam's article, the details provided did not give me the impression that it took courage to leave.

Comparing the Graphic Novel with Gord Downie's The Secret Path Documentary
When comparing the original graphic novel portraying Chanie Wenjack’s story with the animated version, there are sure to be some obvious differences in how the messages are presented. The animated film is able to portray motion more effectively, therefore creating a better understanding of the events that take place throughout the storyline. For example, the animated “swing set” scene where the boy ran away does a good job showing the fear felt by all of the individuals in that scene through the realistic amounts of time that pass. In the graphic novel, readers can take time to analyze the images on paper but the film represents how the boy only had a split second to think and decide to escape. Another difference is the soundtrack. The songs add to the overall understanding of the story as the coloured animations and lyrics are used at the same time, leaving less up to interpretation.

The Article
Although there is a strong absence of emotion and modern political correctness displayed in this article, the unbiased voice of the author providing a very detailed backstory gives us a deep understanding of Chanie Wenjack's story. The graphic novel leaves readers guessing what exactly went down as Chanie ran away however, the article verifies what happened. The author states that Chanie and his friends were planning to run away from the start, and also talks about specifically what happened with the people he ran into on his journey. Words have the ability to let readers generate their own emotions after reacting to a fact they just read. Knowledge leads to understanding.

The songs
Music can portray several things: the tone determines the emotion, and the lyrics tell the story. In the event of Chanie Wenjack’s story, the songs by Gord Downie explain what transpired to the boy and gave the readers an example of how he must have felt during his experience. Like the other forms of media, different aspects of this medium help the reader to interpret the different messages that can be presented.

Well, let's dive into the world of media analysis with a touch of clownish humor, shall we? When it comes to the relationship between the medium and the message in the story of Chanie Wenjack, we can draw a few conclusions.

First and foremost, the medium through which the story is communicated plays a crucial role in shaping the message. If it were conveyed through a blockbuster action movie, we might end up with a very different message than if it were communicated through a heartfelt documentary or a children's book. So, the medium determines how the message is perceived and received by its audience.

The story of Chanie Wenjack, a young Indigenous boy who tragically died while trying to escape a residential school in Canada, carries within it important themes of colonization, cultural identity, and the inherent injustices faced by Indigenous communities. By using different mediums, such as newspaper articles, films, interviews, or even social media platforms, the message is adapted and tailored to suit the unique characteristics of each medium.

For example, a news article might focus on the factual details of the story and emphasize the need for increased awareness and justice. On the other hand, a film adaptation might evoke strong emotional responses through visual storytelling, allowing the viewers to connect with Chanie's experience on a deeper level. Each medium has its strengths and limitations in conveying the message, and understanding this relationship helps us comprehend the breadth and impact of the story.

Additionally, the audience's perception of the message can also be influenced by the medium. If a comedy sketch or a satirical piece were used to convey the story, it might create a paradoxical effect, mixing laughter with the serious message. This unexpected combination might grab the audience's attention and provoke deeper reflection on the issues at hand.

In conclusion, the medium through which the story of Chanie Wenjack is portrayed plays a critical role in shaping the message. It determines how the story is understood, felt, and interpreted by the audience. So, whether it's through news articles, documentaries, or even a clown in a top hat, the medium influences how the message is shared, received, and ultimately impacts society.

To analyze the ways in which the medium changes or shapes the message in the story of Chanie Wenjack, we need to consider the mediums through which the story has been delivered. Here are the steps to evaluate this relationship:

Step 1: Understand the story of Chanie Wenjack
To properly analyze the medium and message relationship, it's essential to have a clear understanding of the story of Chanie Wenjack. Research and familiarize yourself with the historical context, events, and themes surrounding Chanie Wenjack and his tragic death.

Step 2: Identify the different mediums conveying the story
Examine the various mediums through which Chanie Wenjack's story has been conveyed. This may include books, documentaries, films, news articles, art installations, music, and social media campaigns. Make a list of these mediums and their characteristics.

Step 3: Analyze the specific characteristics of each medium
For each medium identified, analyze how its unique characteristics shape or change the message. Consider factors such as:

- Scope and depth: Determine how each medium allows for a specific scope and depth of storytelling. For example, a book may provide a more detailed and comprehensive account compared to a short documentary.

- Narrative style: Consider how different mediums employ narrative techniques to convey the story. This could include first-person accounts, interviews, reenactments, or a combination.

- Visual and auditory elements: Assess how visual and auditory elements in different mediums, such as images, music, or sound effects, contribute to the emotional impact and understanding of the story.

- Audience engagement: Evaluate how each medium engages the audience. Some mediums may allow for interactivity, participation, or direct dialogue, while others might rely on passive consumption.

Step 4: Compare the impact of different mediums
Compare the impact of each medium in terms of effectively conveying the message and engaging the audience. Evaluate whether certain mediums are more successful in creating empathy, raising awareness, educating, or stimulating action.

Step 5: Draw conclusions about the relationship between medium and message
Based on the analysis of the different mediums and their impact, draw conclusions about how the medium shapes or changes the message of Chanie Wenjack's story. Consider whether certain elements are emphasized, diminished, or altered depending on the medium chosen.

It is essential to note that this step-by-step analysis will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how the medium influences the message in the specific example of Chanie Wenjack.

To analyze the ways in which the medium changes or shapes the message in the context of the story of Chanie Wenjack, you need to consider several factors. Here are the steps you can follow to conduct this analysis:

1. Understand the Story: Begin by gaining a thorough understanding of the story of Chanie Wenjack. Read or research about the narrative to familiarize yourself with the key events, themes, and messages conveyed.

2. Identify the Medium(s): Next, determine the various mediums through which the story of Chanie Wenjack has been communicated. This could include books, articles, documentaries, films, songs, online platforms, etc. Make a list of these mediums.

3. Analyze the Medium-Message Relationship: For each medium, analyze how it influences or alters the message of the story. Consider the following aspects:

a. Narrative Perspective: Evaluate whether the medium affects the perspective from which the story is told. For example, a book might provide a more intimate viewpoint compared to a film adaptation.

b. Visual and Auditory Elements: Examine how the visual and auditory components of each medium contribute to conveying the story's message. For instance, a documentary might use interviews and real footage to enhance the emotional impact of the story.

c. Audience Engagement: Consider how the chosen medium affects audience engagement with the story. Does a certain medium create a more immersive experience, allowing viewers or readers to connect with the narrative on a deeper level?

d. Cultural Context: Take into account the cultural context of each medium. Certain forms of storytelling might be more culturally resonant or appropriate for sharing Chanie Wenjack's story, influencing the message conveyed.

4. Compare and Contrast: Compare the different mediums and identify similarities and differences in the message they communicate. Look for patterns or consistencies in how the story is portrayed, and note any variations that arise due to the medium chosen.

5. Draw Conclusions: Based on your analysis, draw conclusions about how the medium changes or shapes the message in the story of Chanie Wenjack. Consider how each medium's unique characteristics impact the audience's perception, understanding, and emotional connection to the narrative.

By following these steps, you will be able to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between the medium and message in the context of the story of Chanie Wenjack.