The probability that a spinner lands on the green area is 4/15 Predict the number of times the spinner lands on green if you spin the spinner 90 times. Explain your answer.


4/15 *90= 24

there are 15 colors 4 of which are green. They are saying if you "spin" the spinner 90 you would likely get 24. This question is a theoretical probability, which means is they have not tested it yet.

dude thanks!

4/15 * 90 = ?

I'll let you explain.

Oh! Hi Kaminari

As class president I will have to tell Mr. Aizawa you are using this to get answers on a test!

Pleas don't tell!

idc what you do. I'm still going to fail you, goodnight I'm going back to sleep

To predict the number of times the spinner will land on green if it is spun 90 times, we can use the concept of probability.

The probability that the spinner lands on the green area is given as 4/15. This means that out of every 15 spins, we can expect 4 of them to result in landing on the green area.

To calculate the number of times the spinner lands on green when spun 90 times, we can set up a proportion:

(4/15) = x/90

To find x, we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

4 * 90 = 15 * x
360 = 15x

Dividing both sides of the equation by 15:

x = 360/15 = 24

Therefore, if the spinner is spun 90 times, we can predict that it will land on the green area approximately 24 times.