Hi please please please help and don’t just leave me on no respond even if you don’t know the answer but here is the question..

Which statement describes the lives of common citizens and enslaved people in Roman society? *

A.Rented land and lived in cramped apartments.
B.Worked dangerous jobs in mines
C.They were servants to wealthy Romans
D.They were gladiators

I think it’s c but thx everyone

I am far from a historian but i agree with C,

Hello! I'm here to help. To answer your question about the lives of common citizens and enslaved people in Roman society, we need to consider the different options provided. Let's evaluate each statement:

A. Rented land and lived in cramped apartments: This statement describes the living situation of common citizens in Roman society. Many Romans lived in apartments or small dwellings and did not own land.

B. Worked dangerous jobs in mines: This statement does not accurately represent the lives of common citizens or enslaved people in Roman society. While there were certainly individuals who worked in mines, it was not the typical occupation for common citizens or enslaved people.

C. They were servants to wealthy Romans: This statement accurately describes the lives of many enslaved people in Roman society. Enslaved people often served as domestic servants for wealthy Romans, taking care of household chores and serving their masters.

D. They were gladiators: This statement does not accurately represent the lives of common citizens in Roman society. Gladiators were typically enslaved people or prisoners of war who were forced to fight as entertainers in the amphitheaters for the entertainment of the spectators.

Based on the evaluations, the most accurate statement describing the lives of common citizens and enslaved people in Roman society is C. They were servants to wealthy Romans.