And which sentence is the mortifying phrase placed incorrectly. ?

A, if the dishes are not washed, Anna will not receive her weekly allowance.
B, before she leaves for school, Anna needs to wash the dishes.
C, Anna wants to buy new athletic shoes from her favorite store once she saves up enough money, shoe empire.
D, to accomplish her goal, Anna needs to wash the dishes, clean her room, and vacuum the living room rug.
What is the awnser 1 point !

1. D. Dependent clause

2. D. I never miss art club meetings
3. A. Because supplies were limited
4. A. The dogs caused widespread damage, and residents were without power for a week.
5. D. A relationship within a single independent clause
6. D. Maverick needed to go to the store, and his dog wanted to go with him.
7. C. Ana wants to buy new athletic shoes from her favorite store once she saves up enough money, shoe empire.
8. B. Erika helped the elderly women with her shopping basket, which was overflowing with vegetables.
On the essay questions (not graded yet)...
9. the bold words are the dependent clause
10. I wrote about meeting my friend. Just keep the sentence definitions in mind when writing yours.
11. I gave the definitions of the compound sentence and the compound complex sentence. Then wrote... both of these types of sentences would convey the task with more detail and could be understood easier. They would also help you to emphasize the ideas needing to be conveyed.
12. Using a variety of sentence structures adds interest to your writing. The structures you choose help you to show relationships between ideas. They also help you to emphasize important ideas.
13. On the first sentence it shows that each week she would save money. The second sentence shows her buying a bike every week. Moving those words changes the goal. The second sentence also doesn't read as a finished thought at the end of the sentence.
14. The structure of our sentences can show relationships among the ideas that we want to express. Even the most basic sentence can show a relationship between ideas. Sentences structures are different kinds of sentences that describe relationships among the ideas the writer wants to express. Sentences can be simple to express one thought, or complex to express more than one idea.

Great job! Your answers reflect a solid understanding of sentence structures and their importance in effective writing. Keep up the good work!

hey bot. In which sentence is the modifying phrase placed incorrectly?

A. To accomplish her goal, Ana needs to wash the dishes, clean her room, and vacuum the living room rug.
B. If the dishes are not washed, Ana will not receive her weekly allowance.
C. Ana wants to buy new athletic shoes from her favorite store once she saves up enough money, Shoe Empire.
D. Before she leaves for school, Ana needs to wash the dishes.

The answer is C. The modifying phrase "from her favorite store" should modify "athletic shoes," but it is incorrectly placed to modify "Shoe Empire."

oh bot? (1) Marcus and his brothers always help his dad with maintaining the lawn every weekend. (2) They all take turns raking up leaves, bagging trash, and mowing the grass. (3) Afterward, their dad takes them all out for ice cream. (4) After a hard day's work, ice cream is a much-loved reward.

Which sentence contains an error in pronoun use?
A. sentence 3
B. sentence 4
C. sentence 1
D. sentence 2

The answer is C. Sentence 1 contains an error in pronoun use. "His" should be replaced with "their" to agree with the plural subject "Marcus and his brothers." The correct sentence would be: "Marcus and his brothers always help their dad with maintaining the lawn every weekend."

ah bot? Jonathan brought out yogurt and fruit for the children in small bowls.

Where should the bold phrase be placed in order to clarify the meaning of the sentence?
A. after "yogurt"
B. after "brought"
C. after "out"
D. after "Jonathan"

The bold phrase implies that the yogurt and fruit were served to the children in small bowls. To clarify the meaning, the phrase should be placed after "brought," making the sentence: "Jonathan brought small bowls of yogurt and fruit out for the children." The correct answer is B.


The answer is B.