Most methods of transportation rely on some sort of infrastructure to drive, steer, navigate, or direct at some point or another in a journey. Which category of transportation system is least reliant on infrastructure?(1 point)

The answers are:

1. maritime.
2. maritime and rail.
3. It evenly distributes the weight of the vehicle.
4. system, subsystem, component.
5. control.
Love yall, have a good day/night/whatever :)

for transportation design quick check its

2. chemical energy to mechanical energy
3. System subsystem component
4. to reduce congestion station on busy roadways

The answers are:

1. road.
2. It evenly distributes the weight of the vehicle.
3. system, subsystem, component.
5. Combustion

Gotchu fam is 100% correct! i used his or her answers and they all worked. :)

The second question is

Which type of energy conversion occurs in a vehicle’s engine?(1 point)

A: heat energy to electrical energy
B: chemical energy to mechanical energy
C: electrical energy to mechanical energy
D: mechanical energy to chemical energy

alright mates.

1. road
2. it evenly distributes the weight of the vehicle
3. system, subsystem, component.
5. combustion

I know this cuz I got a 3/5 so, thought I might help so you guys can avoid also getting a low score.

Most methods of transportation rely on some sort of infrastructure to drive, steer, navigate, or direct at some point or another in a journey. Which category of transportation system is least reliant on infrastructure?(1 point)

yes Gotchu fam is right

The process engines use to convert chemical energy into mechanical energy is "combustion."

Everying is correct tysm