How did an agricultural surplus relate to expanded trade during the High Middle Ages?

A. Trade increased because surplus crops could be traded

B. Trade decreased because surplus crops were needed to feed local populations

C. Trade decreased because surplus crops led to an oversupply of grains that could not be sold.

D. Trade increased regionally but decreased globally because trade networks had shrunk.

(55) All fines that have been given to us unjustly and against the law of the land . . . shall be entirely remitted [given back] or the matter decided by a majority judgment of the twenty-five barons . . . together with [the] archbishop. .
. .

--Magna Carta, 1215

Why did the authors of the Magna Carta include this text

A. They wanted to limit the church's authority to fine people

B. They wanted to limit the power of the king to fine people unjustly

C.They wanted to establish their own power to issue fines.

D.They wanted to give the archbishop power over the king to collect fines.

Look at the timeline of a span of European history.

A. The fall of the Roman empire

B. The reformation in Europe

C. The age of Charlemagne

D. The spread of the Catholic faith.

I am only here to check my answers!

For the first question, the correct answer is A. Trade increased because surplus crops could be traded. An agricultural surplus allowed for an increase in trade as the extra crops could be sold or exchanged for goods and services.

For the second question, the correct answer is B. They wanted to limit the power of the king to fine people unjustly. The inclusion of this text in the Magna Carta was meant to protect individuals from unjust fines imposed by the king. It was an effort to limit the king's absolute power and ensure fair treatment for the people.

Regarding the timeline of European history, the correct option would be:

A. The fall of the Roman Empire.
The other options, B (The reformation in Europe), C (The age of Charlemagne), and D (The spread of the Catholic faith) are not in chronological order or related to the specified span of European history.

Sure, let's go through the answers step by step:

For the question about how agricultural surplus related to expanded trade during the High Middle Ages, the correct answer is A. Trade increased because surplus crops could be traded. The High Middle Ages saw advancements in agriculture leading to increased yields, which created a surplus of crops. This surplus allowed for more trade, as traders could exchange the excess crops for other goods and resources.

Regarding the question about the reasoning behind including the mentioned text in the Magna Carta, the correct answer is B. They wanted to limit the power of the king to fine people unjustly. One of the main purposes of the Magna Carta was to establish limits on the king's authority and ensure the protection of rights and liberties for the people. Including this text allowed for a system of checks and balances to prevent the king from imposing unjust fines.

Lastly, for the timeline of European history, the correct answer is:

A. The fall of the Roman empire - This marked a key turning point in European history as the collapse of the Roman Empire led to political fragmentation and the emergence of new societies.

C. The age of Charlemagne - This period refers to the reign of Charlemagne, who was a prominent medieval ruler and played a significant role in the Carolingian Empire, which shaped the political and cultural landscape of Europe.

D. The spread of the Catholic faith - This refers to the expansion of Christianity, particularly the Catholic Church, across Europe, which had a profound influence on society, culture, and politics.

B. The reformation in Europe - This refers to the 16th-century religious movement led by Martin Luther and other reformers, challenging Catholic doctrines and leading to the establishment of Protestantism.

You can compare your answers with these explanations to see if they match.

oh? and just what are your answers? >wink wink<