charly is painting two rectangular walls one wall ,measures 8 ft by 7 1/2 feet the other wall measures 8 feet by 10 1/2 feet what is the total area of the two walls?

7 1/2*8

10 1/2*8

A recipe calls for 5 pounds of flour to make 8 loaves of bread. How much flour is needed to make 1 loaf?

(5 divided by 8) ≈ 1.6
1.6 as a fraction is 8/5
Reason why I posted it here because I have no idea to make a new category.

To find the total area of the two walls, we need to calculate the area of each wall separately and then add them together.

To calculate the area of a rectangle, we use the formula: "Area = Length x Width".

For the first wall, the length is 8 ft and the width is 7 1/2 ft. We need to convert the width from a mixed number format to a single decimal number to perform calculations more easily.

7 1/2 ft is equal to 7 + 1/2 ft, which is also equal to 7.5 ft. So, the area of the first wall is 8 ft x 7.5 ft = 60 square feet.

For the second wall, the length is 8 ft and the width is 10 1/2 ft. Similarly, we convert the width from mixed number format to a decimal number.

10 1/2 ft is equal to 10 + 1/2 ft, which is also equal to 10.5 ft. So, the area of the second wall is 8 ft x 10.5 ft = 84 square feet.

Now, to find the total area of the two walls, we add the areas of both walls together: 60 square feet + 84 square feet = 144 square feet.

Therefore, the total area of the two walls is 144 square feet.

that would, of course, be 8(7 1/2 + 10 1/2) = 8*18 = ___ ft^2