Create an image with a peaceful academic setting, displaying a desk with an open book and an ink pen laid on the side. Beside the book is a piece of paper with circled options but no specific text. The background features a quiet library with bookshelves, a bright lamp providing soft illumination over the desk. This serene environment signifies a student immersed in studying narrative texts.

Check My Answers Please

1. Which option describes a first-person point of view in a narrative text?
- When some of the characters show their thoughts and feelings

2. An introduction in a narrative text should have a/an ______ that interests the reader and makes the reader want to continue.
- Engaging Start

3. In a narrative text, the introduction will establish the ______, or the perspective from which the story is told.
- Main Characters

Thx :)

Just took the quiz and got 100% the answers are

- when one of the characters tells the story

- engaging start

-point of view

Wyatt right

Wyatt is right. I got a 100

1. When one of the characters tells the story

2. Engaging start
3. Point of view

Ratio + NLE Better

Thank you so much, this app help me out so much, I just love it, if I was smart I wouldn't have to chest, but here I am very dumb and using this amazing app to cheat off of.

thank you Wyatt 100%

Wyatt is correct!!!

Thanks Wyatt

The answers are

1● When one of the characters tells the story
2● engaging start
3●point of view
These are the Answers for writing a introduction quick check ✔

Tysm Wyatt