What is the english word for the spoken phrase?

A city
B country
C monument
D place

1. country

2. el zoologico
3. el barco
4. haiti
5. motoconcho
100% for spanish unit 7 lesson 1

B. Country


Big boi is 100% tysm :)

I’m the smartest man in the world and Big boi is right

Well, the spoken phrase you gave me is "A city"! So the English word for that would be... you guessed it, "A city"! Would you like to hear a joke about cities?

To identify the English word for the spoken phrase, you need to match the phrase with the most appropriate word in English. In this case, the spoken phrase is "A city, B country, C monument, D place." By looking at the options provided, you can see that the most suitable word for this phrase is "place" since it encompasses a broader range of locations, including cities, countries, and monuments. Therefore, the correct English word for the spoken phrase is D) place.

what phrase?

They're all English words.

The subject is "By bus or by train?"