among two supplementary angles the measure of the larger angle is 78 degree more than the measure of the smaller find their measure

since the two angles add to 180,

x + x+78 = 180

To find the measure of the two supplementary angles, let's assume the measure of the smaller angle as "x" degrees.

According to the given information, the measure of the larger angle is 78 degrees more than the measure of the smaller angle. So, the measure of the larger angle can be represented as "x + 78" degrees.

Since the two angles are supplementary, their sum is 180 degrees:

x + (x + 78) = 180

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of "x" and hence the measures of the two angles:

2x + 78 = 180
2x = 180 - 78
2x = 102
x = 102/2
x = 51

So, the measure of the smaller angle (x) is 51 degrees, and the measure of the larger angle (x + 78) is 51 + 78 = 129 degrees.

Therefore, the measure of the two supplementary angles is 51 degrees and 129 degrees.