What literary device is used in the line "And the sky went wan, and the wind came cold" in "Recuerdo"?

The literary device used in the line "And the sky went wan, and the wind came cold" from the poem "Recuerdo" is personification.

To identify the literary device, one can start by closely reading the line and looking for any language or descriptions that attribute human qualities or actions to non-human entities. In this case, the line personifies the sky and the wind by ascribing human emotions. The sky is described as "wan," which means pale or lacking in color, suggesting a human-like pallor. The wind is described as "cold," a characteristic typically associated with human feelings.

Personification in literature helps to create vivid and engaging imagery by attributing human qualities to inanimate objects or natural phenomena. In this line, personification is used to enhance the description of the changing weather, making it more emotionally evocative for the reader.