Could someone help me write 1 song using the rhythm with stick notation and a second notation of the same song adding note heads and some lines to give an indication of relative pitch with solfa names? Thanks this is Kodaly....the song could be any famous one like 'Old Man River', etc..

Certainly! I can help you write a song in stick notation and then add note heads and lines to indicate relative pitch with solfa names. Let's choose the famous song "Old Man River" as an example.

Step 1: Writing the song in stick notation.
Stick notation represents the rhythm of the song using vertical lines and dots. Each line represents a beat, and each dot represents a specific note value.

For "Old Man River," we can represent the rhythm using the following stick notation:

| . . . . . . . . |

Here, each vertical line represents one beat, and the dots indicate the placement of the notes. You can adjust the dots to reflect the actual rhythm of the song.

Step 2: Adding note heads and lines for relative pitch with solfa names.
To indicate the relative pitch of each note, we'll add note heads and lines above the stick notation. We'll use solfa names (do, re, mi, etc.) to indicate the pitch.

First, we'll determine the starting note for our song. Let's assume we start on the note "sol" (G in solfa).

| . . . . . . . . |

Now, we'll add note heads and lines to indicate the relative pitch based on the solfa scale. For example, if the next note is a step higher, we'll add a note head above the line above the previous note, and label it with the corresponding solfa name (re). If it's a step lower, we'll add a note head below the line below the previous note.

Let's use this approach to add note heads and lines to represent the melody of "Old Man River." Note that the actual melody may vary, and this is just an example:

G: re mi sol re do
| . . . . . . . . |

Here, we added note heads above the line for higher notes (re, mi, and sol) and below the line for lower notes (do).

By following these steps, you can write a song using stick notation and then add note heads and lines to indicate relative pitch with solfa names. Remember to adjust the stick notation and relative pitch markings to accurately represent the melody of the chosen song.