Identify three (3) ways that you are impacted by your state or local government. What are some services provided by these levels of government? Why doesn't the federal government take on more of this role? Your essay should mention the principles of federalism and limited government and explain how they apply to this question. (6 points) *

No, just need help understanding

Well for impacts by how your impacted by your local and state government you could talk about the public school system and how it provides people with schooling. You could also talk about the roadways of America and how the government works to build and maintain them.


As for why the federal governments doesn't take on more of this role you could talk about how they're budget would be cut short, and how with too much help from the government they may have to cut other areas such as lower funding for healthcare or like higher taxes. You could also talk about how the federal government is not responsible for things such as road expansion and the school system as generally the local and state government takes care of those parts.

Limited government would apply to this question as the government generally tries to limit the amount of involvment they have in certain things as it can lead to budget shortcuts and increased taxes and stuff like that.

Tbh I'm not too sure about how federalism would relate as I forgot how it does. If you need more help, I would recommend talking to a friend as in this day and age, practically everyone has a chat with a friend who knows what's going on and how to do certain things.

Oh another thing to add to the aprt as to why the federal gov. isn't responsible for things like roads and schools is that they might not know of the regions problems as the federal government generally is'nt as knowledgeable of certain areas problems as much as a local gov. is.

To identify three ways that you are impacted by your state or local government, you can start by considering the various services and responsibilities that they provide. Here are three examples:

1. Education: One way you are impacted is through the education system. State and local governments are responsible for funding and managing public schools within their jurisdictions. They set curriculum standards, hire teachers, and allocate resources to ensure quality education for their residents.

2. Public Safety: Your state or local government plays a crucial role in ensuring public safety. They maintain law enforcement agencies, fire departments, and emergency response systems to protect the community from crime, accidents, disasters, and other threats. This includes issuing permits, conducting investigations, and enforcing regulations.

3. Transportation and Infrastructure: State and local governments also handle transportation and infrastructure planning, maintenance, and improvements. They build and maintain roads, bridges, public transportation systems, and other essential infrastructure to facilitate the movement of people, goods, and services within their jurisdictions.

The reason the federal government does not take on more of these roles is rooted in the principles of federalism and limited government. Federalism refers to the division of powers between the central (federal) government and the state/local governments. The Founders of the United States designed a federal system where certain powers are delegated to the federal government, while others are reserved for the states.

Limited government, another fundamental principle, means that the federal government's powers are limited to those specifically granted to it by the Constitution. Other powers not enumerated are reserved for the states or the people. This division of responsibilities is intended to prevent excessive concentration of power in a centralized government, promoting dual sovereignty and allowing states and local governments to address local needs and circumstances.

By allocating certain services to state and local governments, federalism acknowledges that these entities have a better understanding of their respective communities' unique challenges, needs, and priorities. This allows for more tailored solutions and responsiveness to local concerns. Additionally, it promotes competition and innovation among states, as they have the freedom to experiment with different policies and approaches.

Furthermore, limited government ensures that there are checks and balances on the federal government's power, preventing it from becoming too intrusive or overreaching. By keeping the responsibilities decentralized, the federal government can focus on broader national issues such as defense, international relations, and interstate commerce.

In summary, state and local governments impact individuals through services like education, public safety, and transportation. The federal government doesn't take on more of these roles due to principles of federalism and limited government, which facilitate local responsiveness and prevent excessive concentration of power at the national level.

Umm... are you expecting us to write a whole essay for you?