1. What technique creates this optical illusion?

a. contour

b. shading

c. proportion

d. highlighting

2. The use of greenscreens has dramatically increased what is possible with 3D effects. What scene would greenscreens MOST likely be used for?

a. a man walking his dog in a crowded park

b. a scene that required no human actors in it

c. a crew in a spaceship falling into a black hole

d. a scene that had rainbows or other intense colors

3. Which BEST explains why simple logos are preferable over complex ones?

a. Simple logos usually only have one color.

b. If they are complex, they do not look modern.

c. They are easier to adapt to different mediums.

d. They show that the brand they represent has quality.

4. Much of creating depth depends on how objects are arranged in an image. Those in the front will appear closer while those in the back often seem like they are further away. Which term describes the arrangement of objects in an image?

a. proportion

b. minimizing

c. composition

d. accentuating

5. Starbucks has changed its logo several times over the past few decades. However, generally companies try to avoid changing their logos because they become associated with brands. What should Starbucks keep in mind when making changes?

a. Logos should never change, so this is likely a poor business move.

b. Logos are good for businesses to have but not really necessary.

c. People will stop frequenting the business if they do not like the logo.

d. Changes need to be minor so that the image remains mostly the same.

6. Mirabelle is opening a small bookstore in her neighborhood. She knows that she needs to create a logo that she can put on the sign outside her store and on the bags for merchandise, among other things. She wants the logo to illustrate that her store has a lot of books, so she thinks that several bookcases overflowing with books would be a good idea. Since the sign outside the shop is quite large, she thinks it will look good there. What is the BEST advice for Mirabelle?

a. It is an excellent choice, and she should definitely use that logo.

b. It will work on the sign, but she needs a different image for other uses.

c. It is a little complicated and might not be scalable, so simpler is better.

d. It gets the idea across, but needs to be more complicated to be memorable.

7. Which BEST describes the role of symbols in art?

a. They are only used by 3D artists.

b. They are universal among cultures.

c. They are used primarily in African art.

d. They are quite common in most forms of art.

8. A characteristic of 3D art is that it can include many different materials. Is this true of 2D art as well?

a. Usually not because 2D art is one surface.

b. There are very few limitations in 2D art.

c. It depends on the end results of the design.

d. If the artist is not strong in 3D art, 2D is preferable.

9. A mask was made using some ivory pieces. What would this tell us about the culture that made it?

a. They lived in a region near the ocean.

b. They did not think ivory was valuable.

c. They were close to an elephant habitat.

d. They used a lot of symbols in their masks.

10. Which BEST describes the art of Renaissance Europe?

a. It tended to include only simple images.

b. It depended on symbolism more than realism.

c. It used a variety of techniques to create depth.

d. It was like art in the Middle Ages but less colorful.

11. This image is an example of which illusion?

a. shading

b. contouring

c. composing

d. highlighting

12. What kind of symbols are MOST likely to be found on a mask used in a ritual?

a. those that relate to spiritual beliefs

b. those that are common in all cultures

c. those that are understood by few people

d. those that are aesthetically pleasing to the culture

13. Which describes the techniques used to create depth in this image?

a. It relies on contouring.

b. The shadows create lines.

c. There is an optical illusion.

d. Proportion determines depth.

14. What do masks have in common with paintings on the walls of caves?

a. They are both examples of creative, prehistoric 3D art,

b. They are both examples of contemporary art,

c. They both reveal information about the cultures that created them,

d. They illustrate which goods were traded in the cultures that created them,

15. Many common household items are actually examples of 3D art. What do artists have to consider when designing products for the home that other artists would not?

a. how well the item functions

b. the materials needed to create it

c. if the item will appeal to the public

d. if 3D art is actually the best medium

Please Help Me I'm Confused. Thanks! :))))


1. The answer is a. contour. Although shading, proportion, and highlighting can all contribute to creating optical illusions, contour is specifically related to the lines and shapes that define the object and can create illusions of depth or movement.

2. The answer is c. a crew in a spaceship falling into a black hole. Greenscreens are often used in scenes that require a lot of special effects or impossible environments, such as outer space.

3. The answer is c. They are easier to adapt to different mediums. Simple logos are preferable because they can be easily recognized and reproduced across various mediums, such as on signs, websites, or merchandise.

4. The answer is c. composition. Composition refers to the arrangement of objects in an image and plays a crucial role in creating depth and conveying a sense of space.

5. The answer is d. Changes need to be minor so that the image remains mostly the same. While companies should be careful when making changes to their logos to maintain brand recognition, minor changes can be made to update the design or reflect evolving brand values.

6. The answer is c. It is a little complicated and might not be scalable, so simpler is better. While an image of overflowing bookcases can communicate a love for books, it might be too complex and detailed to be easily recognizable and scalable for different purposes like signage or merchandise.

7. The answer is d. They are quite common in most forms of art. Symbols are commonly used in various forms of art to convey meaning, represent ideas, or evoke emotions.

8. The answer is c. It depends on the end results of the design. While 2D art typically involves working on a flat surface, there are artistic techniques that can create the illusion of different materials or textures, so it is not limited to just one type of material.

9. The answer is c. They were close to an elephant habitat. The use of ivory indicates that the culture had access to elephants, and ivory was a valuable material for creating masks.

10. The answer is c. It used a variety of techniques to create depth. Renaissance art emphasized realism and employed various techniques, such as perspective, chiaroscuro, and sfumato, to create depth and achieve a more lifelike representation of the human figure and the surrounding environment.

11. The answer is b. contouring. The illusion in the image is created through the use of contouring, which emphasizes the lines and edges of the subject to give it a three-dimensional appearance.

12. The answer is a. those that relate to spiritual beliefs. Masks used in rituals often incorporate symbols that hold specific spiritual or cultural significance, helping to convey or invoke certain beliefs or entities.

13. The answer is b. The shadows create lines. In this image, the shadows create lines that give the illusion of depth. Perception of depth can be achieved through the manipulation of light and shadow.

14. The answer is c. They both reveal information about the cultures that created them. Both masks and cave paintings provide insight into the cultural values, beliefs, and artistic expressions of the civilizations that created them.

15. The answer is a. how well the item functions. When designing products for the home, artists must consider not only the aesthetics but also the functionality of the item. Unlike other forms of art, functional items need to serve a purpose and be usable in daily life.


1. The technique that creates this optical illusion is b. shading.

2. Greenscreens would most likely be used for c. a crew in a spaceship falling into a black hole.
3. The BEST explanation for why simple logos are preferable over complex ones is c. they are easier to adapt to different mediums.
4. The term that describes the arrangement of objects in an image is c. composition.
5. Starbucks should keep in mind that d. changes need to be minor so that the image remains mostly the same when making changes to their logo.
6. The BEST advice for Mirabelle is c. it is a little complicated and might not be scalable, so simpler is better.
7. The BEST role of symbols in art is d. they are quite common in most forms of art.
8. It depends on the end results of the design if 2D art can include many different materials.
9. If a mask was made using ivory pieces, it would tell us that the culture that made it c. were close to an elephant habitat.
10. The BEST description of the art of Renaissance Europe is c. it used a variety of techniques to create depth.
11. This image is an example of a. shading as an illusion.
12. The symbols that are MOST likely to be found on a mask used in a ritual are a. those that relate to spiritual beliefs.
13. The technique used to create depth in this image is d. proportion determines depth.
14. Masks and paintings on the walls of caves both reveal information about the cultures that created them.
15. When designing products for the home, artists have to consider a. how well the item functions.

1. The technique that creates this optical illusion is (a) contour. Contour refers to the outline or shape of an object that is used to give the illusion of depth or volume.

2. Greenscreens would MOST likely be used for (c) a crew in a spaceship falling into a black hole. Greenscreens are often used in scenes where the surroundings are difficult or impossible to realistically recreate, such as imaginary or non-existent environments.

3. The BEST explanation for why simple logos are preferable over complex ones is (c) they are easier to adapt to different mediums. Simple logos are more versatile and can be easily scaled down or reproduced across various mediums, including digital platforms, print materials, and signage.

4. The term that describes the arrangement of objects in an image is (c) composition. Composition involves the organization and placement of elements within an artwork to create a balanced and visually pleasing arrangement.

5. When making changes to a logo, Starbucks should keep in mind that (d) changes need to be minor so that the image remains mostly the same. While logos can evolve over time, drastic changes can lead to a loss of brand recognition and customer loyalty. It is important to maintain some consistency while still refreshing the logo to stay relevant.

6. The BEST advice for Mirabelle is (c) it is a little complicated and might not be scalable, so simpler is better. While Mirabelle's idea of bookcases overflowing with books represents her store well, it may not be scalable and may lose clarity when used in smaller formats like bags or other merchandise. Simplifying the logo will ensure that it remains clear and recognizable across different sizes and applications.

7. The BEST description of symbols in art is (d) they are quite common in most forms of art. Symbols have been utilized in art across different cultures and time periods to convey meaning, communicate ideas, and evoke emotions.

8. The statement that best describes the use of different materials in 2D art is (c) it depends on the end results of the design. While 2D art typically involves working on one surface, artists can still make use of different materials to achieve different effects or textures based on their artistic intent. The choice of materials will depend on the desired outcome and the artist's personal style.

9. If a mask was made using ivory pieces, it would suggest that the culture that made it (c) was close to an elephant habitat. Ivory is obtained from the tusks and teeth of elephants, suggesting that the culture had access to elephants in their region.

10. The BEST description of the art of Renaissance Europe is (c) it used a variety of techniques to create depth. Renaissance art emphasized realism and the illusion of depth through techniques like perspective, chiaroscuro (light and shadow), and sfumato (blending of colors).

11. This image is an example of the illusion of (c) composing. Composing refers to the arrangement and placement of elements within an artwork to create a visually pleasing composition.

12. The symbols MOST likely to be found on a mask used in a ritual are (a) those that relate to spiritual beliefs. Ritual masks often incorporate symbols or imagery that hold spiritual or cultural significance, representing beliefs, deities, or ceremonial practices.

13. The techniques used to create depth in this image (d) proportion determines depth. Proportion refers to the size and relationship of one object to another, and it plays a significant role in creating the illusion of depth in an artwork.

14. Masks and paintings on the walls of caves have in common (c) both reveal information about the cultures that created them. Both masks and cave paintings provide insights into the beliefs, customs, or daily lives of the cultures that produced them.

15. When designing products for the home, artists have to consider (a) how well the item functions. Unlike traditional artworks, functional items for the home need to not only be visually appealing but also practical and usable. Artists need to consider how well the item fulfills its intended purpose while still maintaining aesthetic qualities.