If triangle ABC ~ triangle XYZ and AC=10CM,AB=8CM and XY=4CM, find the length of XZ.


Now plug in the numbers

If 🔼 ABC~🔼 XYZ and AC=10cm,AB=8cm and XY=4cm, find the length of XZ.

I responded to this question

This is mind blowing 🤯


To find the length of XZ, we can use the concept of similar triangles.

Similar triangles have corresponding angles that are equal and corresponding sides that are in proportion.

In this case, triangle ABC is similar to triangle XYZ, so we can set up the following proportion:


Substituting the given values, we have:

8/4 = 10/XZ

To solve for XZ, we can cross-multiply:

8*XZ = 10*4

8*XZ = 40

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 8 to solve for XZ:

XZ = 5 CM

Therefore, the length of XZ is 5 cm.