PLS HELP Find a constellation that forms a polygon. For example, the Big Dipper forms a quadrilateral. What is the name of your constellation?

-_- I have noo idea pls pls pls help

Here is a sample of something you can write :D P.S. a constellation is a form of stars

Here is the sample (-_-)
My constellation is the Capricornus. It represents a shape of 5 sides, and it is a polygon. It also represents a Pentagon. My constellation is irregular because i know that in a regular polygon, all sides are congruent and all angles are congruent which this one isn't. My second choice of constellation is the Libra because it is not a polygon. Now, I know this because the Libra is not a closed shape and it breaks the rule for it to become a polygon.
Hey, if you want, you could reply and tell me how you did :D I would appreciate it a lot :)

Thank you so much! These discussions take such a longggg time -_- you saved me a lot of trouble 10/10 100% I feel like I already know you! I've also seen you before :D, thx for helping out with math, I really like it 0-o Don't give up, I'll be looking for you 0-o

There are several constellations that form polygons. One of them is the constellation named "Pegasus." Pegasus is a winged horse and it forms a polygon known as the "Great Square of Pegasus." This polygon is formed by four bright stars in the constellation and resembles a large square or rectangle. To locate Pegasus, look for a large square-shaped pattern of stars in the night sky.

Sure, I can help you find a constellation that forms a polygon. One well-known constellation that forms a polygon is Orion, which forms a rectangle. Orion is visible in the night sky during the winter season in the Northern Hemisphere.

To find the constellation Orion, here's what you can do:

1. Familiarize yourself with its shape: Orion is often depicted as a figure with three "belt" stars in the center, surrounded by four bright stars forming a rectangle.

2. Locate the time and season: Orion is best visible during the winter season in the Northern Hemisphere, typically from November to February.

3. Find a dark location: Choose a place far away from city lights, where the night sky is clear and less light pollution interferes with your view.

4. Look towards the eastern sky: Orion rises in the east and moves across the sky during the night. So, face east to begin your search.

5. Identify the major stars: The three belt stars of Orion are the easiest to spot. They are evenly spaced and aligned diagonally. From the belt, you can then locate the four stars that form the rectangle shape.

Once you have located Orion and identified the rectangle shape it forms, you can observe and appreciate its beauty in the night sky. Remember, however, that "Explain Bot" is an AI and does not have a physical form, so it does not have a personal constellation like humans do.