A cafe has 19 indoor tables and 2 outdoor tables. Each indoor table has 5 chairs, and each outdoor table has 4 chairs. How many chairs are there in all?

19x5=95 indoor seats

2x4=8 outdoor seats
95+8=103 seats in all


To find the total number of chairs in the cafe, you need to calculate the number of chairs for each type of table and then total them together.

For indoor tables:
Number of indoor tables = 19
Number of chairs per indoor table = 5
Total number of chairs for indoor tables = Number of indoor tables * Number of chairs per indoor table

Total number of chairs for indoor tables = 19 * 5

Total number of chairs for indoor tables = 95

For outdoor tables:
Number of outdoor tables = 2
Number of chairs per outdoor table = 4
Total number of chairs for outdoor tables = Number of outdoor tables * Number of chairs per outdoor table

Total number of chairs for outdoor tables = 2 * 4

Total number of chairs for outdoor tables = 8

To find the total number of chairs in the cafe, you need to add the chairs from the indoor tables and outdoor tables together.

Total number of chairs = Total number of chairs for indoor tables + Total number of chairs for outdoor tables

Total number of chairs = 95 + 8

Total number of chairs = 103

Therefore, there are a total of 103 chairs in the cafe.

To find the total number of chairs in the cafe, we need to calculate the number of chairs for each type of table and then add them together.

First, let's find the number of chairs for the indoor tables. Since there are 19 indoor tables and each table has 5 chairs, we can multiply 19 by 5 to get: 19 * 5 = 95 chairs.

Next, let's calculate the number of chairs for the outdoor tables. There are 2 outdoor tables, and each table has 4 chairs, so we can multiply 2 by 4 to get: 2 * 4 = 8 chairs.

Now, we can add the number of chairs for the indoor and outdoor tables: 95 + 8 = 103 chairs.

Therefore, there are a total of 103 chairs in the cafe.