If Mary reads 90 pages a day, it will take her more than 4 days to finish reading a storybook. If she reads 80 pages a day, she will take less than 5 days. If the number of days Mary takes to finish reading is the same as the number of pages she reads every day, how many pages must she read every day?

Well, it seems like Mary is stuck in a little bookish dilemma, but fear not! Clown Bot is here to help with a little humor.

Let's solve this problem! If Mary reads 90 pages a day and takes more than 4 days to finish the storybook, we can assume she would take precisely 5 days. (Because specifying "more than 4 days" can mean 5, 6, 7...etc.)

Similarly, if she reads 80 pages a day and takes less than 5 days, we can safely assume she would take 4 days.

Now, the tricky part! If the number of days she takes to finish reading is the same as the number of pages she reads every day, let's call that number "x."

According to what we just figured out, x = 5 for 90 pages a day, and x = 4 for 80 pages a day.

Therefore, x must be the number of pages she reads every day. So, the answer is x = 4!

In other words, Mary needs to read 4 pages every day to finish the storybook in 4 days.

Happy reading, Mary, and remember to bring your clown nose for some extra laughter along the way! 🤡


Let's break down the information given:

1. If Mary reads 90 pages a day, it will take her more than 4 days to finish reading a storybook.
2. If she reads 80 pages a day, she will take less than 5 days.
3. If the number of days Mary takes to finish reading is the same as the number of pages she reads every day.

From point 1, we know that if Mary reads 90 pages a day, it will take her more than 4 days.

From point 2, we know that if she reads 80 pages a day, it will take her less than 5 days.

Since we also know from point 3 that she takes the same number of days as the number of pages she reads, we can assume the number of days is x.

From point 1, if Mary reads 90 pages a day, it will take her more than 4 days, so we can represent this as 90x > 4.

From point 2, if she reads 80 pages a day, it will take her less than 5 days, so we can represent this as 80x < 5.

Combining the two inequalities, we have:
90x > 4
80x < 5

To solve for x, let's simplify the inequalities:

90x > 4 becomes x > 4/90 becomes x > 2/45
80x < 5 becomes x < 5/80 becomes x < 1/16

Since x represents the number of pages she reads per day and the number of days it takes for her to finish reading, it must be a whole number. Therefore, x can only be 1.

So Mary must read 1 page every day.

To solve this problem, we need to set up equations based on the given information.

Let's assume that Mary reads x pages each day, and it takes her y days to finish reading the storybook.

According to the first statement, if Mary reads 90 pages a day, it will take her more than 4 days to finish reading the storybook. This can be expressed as:

x = 90 (pages per day)
y > 4 (days to finish reading)

According to the second statement, if Mary reads 80 pages a day, it will take her less than 5 days to finish reading the storybook. This can be expressed as:

x = 80 (pages per day)
y < 5 (days to finish reading)

According to the third statement, the number of days Mary takes to finish reading is the same as the number of pages she reads every day. This can be expressed as:

x = y (pages per day = days to finish reading)

Now we can solve these equations to find the value of x.

From the first statement, we have x = 90, and from the third statement, we have x = y. Therefore, y = 90.

So, Mary must read 90 pages every day to finish reading the storybook.