The combined mass of a race car and its driver is 600. kilograms. Traveling at constant speed, the car completes one lap around a circular track of radius 170. meters in 60.0 seconds. Calculate the speed of the car


circumference over time

To calculate the speed of the car, we need to use the formula v = d/t, where v represents velocity or speed, d represents distance, and t represents time.

In this case, the distance traveled by the car is equal to the circumference of the circular track. The circumference of a circle can be found using the formula C = 2πr, where r represents the radius of the circle.

Given that the radius of the circular track is 170 meters, we can calculate the distance traveled as follows:

C = 2πr = 2π(170) = 340π meters

Now, we know that the car completes one lap around the track in 60.0 seconds. So we can substitute the distance and time values into the formula v = d/t:

v = (340π meters) / (60.0 seconds)

To get the answer, we divide the distance by the time:

v ≈ (340π meters) / (60.0 seconds) ≈ 17.9π meters/second ≈ 56.3 meters/second (rounded to one decimal place)

Therefore, the speed of the car is approximately 56.3 meters/second.