what is the range of the relation given by the ordered pairs (1,3), (-3,2), (7,2), (4,-5) and (4,1)

The domain of a function is the set of x value

the range of a domain is the set of y values.
List the set of y values.

What are the range from the given ordered pairs (3,2) (-1,4) (5,-2)

To determine the range of a relation, we need to find the set of all second coordinates (y-values) in the given ordered pairs. Let's look at the given pairs.

The ordered pairs are:
(1,3), (-3,2), (7,2), (4,-5), and (4,1)

The second coordinates (y-values) in these pairs are:
3, 2, 2, -5, and 1

To find the range, we need to list all the unique y-values without repetition.

The range of the given relation is:
{-5, 1, 2, 3}

Therefore, the range of the relation given by the ordered pairs (1,3), (-3,2), (7,2), (4,-5), and (4,1) is {-5, 1, 2, 3}.