Write the pseudocode for a program that allows the user to input 2 numbers. The program prints out the sum and the product of the 2 numbers. Draw the flowchart.

To write the pseudocode for the program, you can follow these steps:

1. Start the program.
2. Prompt the user to enter the first number.
3. Read and store the first number.
4. Prompt the user to enter the second number.
5. Read and store the second number.
6. Calculate the sum of the two numbers by adding the first number to the second number.
7. Calculate the product of the two numbers by multiplying the first number with the second number.
8. Print the sum.
9. Print the product.
10. End the program.

Here is the pseudocode representation:

Prompt user to enter the first number
Read and store the first number
Prompt user to enter the second number
Read and store the second number
Set sum = first number + second number
Set product = first number * second number
Print sum
Print product

Now let's draw the flowchart based on the above pseudocode:

| Start |
| Prompt for Input |
| Read & Store |
| First Number |
| Prompt for Input |
| Read & Store |
| Second Number |
| Calculate |
| Sum |
| Calculate |
| Product |
| Print |
| Sum |
| Print |
| Product |
| End |

This flowchart represents the step-by-step process of executing the program and achieving the desired output of printing out the sum and the product of the two numbers.

read x,y

print x+y, x*y