Translation for a point (x,y) 3 units Left and 7 units up , so the rule will be

To translate a point (x, y) by moving it 3 units to the left and 7 units up, you need to apply the following rule:

New x-coordinate = x - 3
New y-coordinate = y + 7

So, the translated point becomes (x - 3, y + 7).

To translate a point (x, y) 3 units to the left and 7 units up, you need to subtract 3 from the x-coordinate and add 7 to the y-coordinate.

So the rule for this translation is:
(x, y) --> (x - 3, y + 7)

(x,y) → (x-3,y+7)

what is (-2,4) left 3 units and up 7 units