Read and use the thesaurus entry to understand a new word.

Main Entry: dialogue
Definition: talk
Synonyms: chat, colloquy, communication, confab, conference, conversation, discussion, exchange, flap, powwow, repartee, small talk
Choose the synonym that best clarifies the underlined word in this movie review:

Pennywhistle Farm is a fun, family movie with lots of excitement and funny dialogue.

any help

To choose the synonym that best clarifies the underlined word "dialogue" in the movie review, we can refer to the thesaurus entry provided. The thesaurus entry lists several synonyms for "dialogue" including chat, colloquy, communication, confab, conference, conversation, discussion, exchange, flap, powwow, repartee, and small talk.

Based on the context provided in the movie review, we can eliminate some of the synonyms. For example, "chat," "small talk," "colorloquy," and "repartee" typically refer to more casual or informal conversations. Since the review describes the dialogue in the movie as "funny," we can assume that the conversations are not meant to be light or superficial.

From the remaining synonyms, "communication" and "discussion" might be more appropriate. However, "communication" implies a broader range of communication methods, such as non-verbal communication, whereas "discussion" suggests a more serious or intellectual conversation.

Considering the context of a light-hearted family movie, the synonym that best clarifies "dialogue" in this movie review is "discussion."