Tyler's brother works in a shoe store. Tyler's brother earns commission. He makes 2.5% of the amount he sells. Last week, he sold $900 worth of shoes. How much was his commission? Explain how you know.

Well, let's see...

10% of 900 is 90$
so..... if we divide 90 by 5 we get... 18 soo now we have to divide 18 by 4 to make up for the ".5". That will be 4.5.
4.5 + 18 =22.5 your answer is 22.5
Hope this helps :)

Good grief

2.5% <----> .025

.025*900 = 22.50

About what? Is there something "wrong" with my answer? :/

Nope, nothing "wrong" with your answer, (quotations were yours).

Just very awkward way of doing it when it is so simple with 1 step

Lol, thats the way you do it -_-

To find out Tyler's brother's commission, we need to calculate 2.5% of the amount he sold, which is $900.

First, we can convert the percentage to decimal form by dividing it by 100. So, 2.5% becomes 2.5/100 = 0.025.

Next, we can multiply the decimal representation of the commission rate (0.025) by the amount he sold ($900):

Commission = 0.025 * $900 = $22.50.

Therefore, Tyler's brother's commission was $22.50.