Hi, I really need help with these questions, I wanna get my grade up. Please do not just give me the answers, Id like to know how to do them for future problems. Thx. These two boxes have the same volume.

Box A
Height: 2 in., Width: 3 in., Length: 6 in.
Box B
Height:3in., Width:4in., Length:?
What is the length of Box B?
A 2 in.
B 3 in.
C 4 in.
D 9 in.
2. Which choice is more than 12 but less than 13?




3.12 The dimensions of a cylindrical apple juice can are
The given formula can be used to determine the
volume ( V ) of a cylinder.
V = Bh = area of base × height
What is the approximate volume of the can?
Use 3.14 for π
A 113 cubic inches
B 339 cubic inches
C 1,064 cubic inches
D 1,356 cubic inches
Hight= 12
3.Angela decides to recycle a large oatmeal container by using it to hold a friend’s birthday gift.
Then she wraps the container in gift paper.
Angela makes a net of the container out of the gift
wrap paper. Which is closest to the amount of
paper she will use if she uses the least amount of
paper to wrap the gift?
A 144.44 sq in.
B 157.00 sq in.
C 91.06 sq in.
D 135.37 sq in
both diameters are 4 and the hight is 10.5
4.14 The net of a rectangular prism is shown below.
What is the total surface area of the rectangular
prism represented by this net?
A 114.70 cm2
B 150.88 cm2
C 105.00 cm2
D 119.88 cm
7.4 ,3.1 ,3.1 ,5cm, 3.1 ,3.1 ,5cm are the measurements.
5. 5 The student council members are making decorative labels to cover 20 identical empty coffee cans
for a charity drive. Each label will cover the entire
lateral surface area of a can.
Which is closest to the lateral surface area of a
single coffee can?
A 186 in.2
B 157 in.2
C 195 in.2
D 128 in.2
d=3 1/16
h=6 5/8.
Thanks, Turg :)

Iv been working on this for a long time, Iv already did it once and im trying to correct it. Iv already asked a teacher for help but im a conexus student and it takes awhile for mails to go through, so if your not gonna help me, then don't comment.


3*4*x = 2*3*6
12x = 36
x = 3

my choices are

Anyone wanna check em?

Hi Turg! I'd be happy to help you with these questions and provide explanations along the way. Let's go through each question one by one.

1. Box A has a volume given by multiplying its height, width, and length. So, the volume of Box A is 2 in. * 3 in. * 6 in. We have the volume of Box A, which is equal to the volume of Box B. Since we know the height and width of Box B, we can solve for its length. We divide the volume of Box A by the product of Box B's height and width to find its length. Therefore, the length of Box B is (2 in. * 3 in. * 6 in.) / (3 in. * 4 in.) = 36 in. / 12 in. = 3 in. Hence, the answer is B.

2. To find the value which is more than 12 but less than 13, we need to determine the square root of each option and compare them. Taking the square root of each option, we find that √170 is between 12 and 13. Therefore, the answer is A.

3. The formula for the volume of a cylinder is V = Bh, where B is the area of the base and h is the height. In this case, the base is circular and the area of a circle is given by πr^2, where π is approximately 3.14 and r is half the diameter. The diameter is given as 6, so the radius is 3. Therefore, the area of the base is π * (3^2) = 3.14 * 9 = 28.26. Finally, multiplying the base area by the height, we get the approximate volume of the can: 28.26 * 12 = 339.12 cubic inches. Since we need to approximate the answer, we can round it to 339 cubic inches. Hence, the answer is B.

4. To find the amount of paper Angela will use, we need to calculate the surface area of the cylinder. The formula for the surface area of a cylinder is 2πrh + 2πr^2, where r is the radius and h is the height. The dimensions of the cylinder you provided are both diameters, so the radius is 4/2 = 2. Plugging in the values into the formula, we get 2 * 3.14 * 2 * 10.5 + 2 * 3.14 * 2^2 = 131.88 + 25.12 = 157 sq in. Therefore, the answer is B.

5. The net of the rectangular prism represents the faces of the prism. To find the surface area of the prism, we need to find the area of each face and add them together. Looking at the net, we see that there are two faces with dimensions of 7.4 * 3.1, two faces with dimensions of 5 * 3.1, and two faces with dimensions of 7.4 * 5. Calculating the areas of each face and adding them together, we get 2(7.4 * 3.1) + 2(5 * 3.1) + 2(7.4 * 5) = 91.88 + 31 + 74 + 154 = 350.88 cm². Therefore, the answer is not among the given options.

We do not do your homework for you. Although it might take more effort to do the work on your own, you will profit more from your effort. We will be happy to evaluate your work though.

What are your choices?