A rectangular prism has a base that measures 5 centimeters by 3 centimeters and a height of 2 centimeters. Cameron fills the prism with image centimeter cubes. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Answers :
A.There will be 2 layers of cubes in the rectangular prism.

B.Cameron will use a total of 120 cubes to fill the rectangular prism.

C.Cameron will use 60 cubes on the bottom layer.

D.The rectangular prism will have a perimeter of 32 centimeters along the base.

not sure what "image centimeters" are, but you will note that one of the dimensions is 2 cm.

perimeter = 2(length + width)
area * length * width
volume = length * width * height

see whether these formulas give the right results for B,C,D.