A new allele added to the gene pool provides an advantage. The individual with the allele breeds and passes on the trait to their offspring.

This describes the evolutionary effects of what process?

a. gene flow
b. mutation
c. genetic drift
d. random mating

Answer is mutation I took the test

Random mating?

d. random mating

The description provided suggests that a new allele, which provides an advantage, is introduced into the gene pool. This allele is then passed on to subsequent generations through breeding.

This process is often referred to as natural selection, which is the mechanism by which advantageous traits become more prevalent in a population over time. Individuals possessing the advantageous allele have a higher chance of surviving, reproducing, and passing on the beneficial trait to their offspring. Over multiple generations, this can lead to a significant increase in the frequency of the advantageous allele within the gene pool, resulting in the evolution of the population.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is not listed among the options provided. The process described is natural selection, which is an overarching mechanism driving evolution.