Research submarines, their origins, how they are powered, and how they are able to float or sink. Then answer the following questions.

How is a modern submarine able to adjust its buoyancy so that it can either float or sink? Use Archimedes' principle as part of your explanation.
Who invented the first submarine? What was it made from and how did it work?

shut up bob respectfully


To answer your first question, a modern submarine is able to adjust its buoyancy by using a system known as ballast tanks. These tanks are specially designed compartments that can be either filled with water or emptied of water. By controlling the amount of water inside these tanks, the submarine can control its overall weight, and thus its buoyancy.

Here's how it works using Archimedes' principle: When a submarine wants to sink, it fills its ballast tanks with water, increasing its weight. According to Archimedes' principle, an object immersed in a fluid experiences an upward buoyant force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. By increasing its weight through the water-filled ballast tanks, the submarine becomes denser, causing it to sink.

On the other hand, when a submarine wants to float or rise to the surface, it empties the ballast tanks of water, reducing its weight. With less weight, the submarine's density becomes less than that of the surrounding water. As a result, the upward buoyant force becomes greater than the downward force due to gravity, enabling the submarine to float or rise.

Regarding your second question, the invention of the first submarine is credited to Cornelius Drebbel, a Dutch engineer and inventor. In the early 17th century, Drebbel created a submarine called the "Drebbel's Wonder," which was made from wood and covered with greased leather to make it watertight. The submarine was around 12 to 15 feet long and was propelled by oars. Additionally, it had a system of ballast tanks that could be filled or emptied to control its buoyancy.

Drebbel's submarine worked by allowing the water to enter the ballast tanks when he wanted to dive, making the submarine heavier and causing it to sink. To resurface, he pumped the water out of the tanks, reducing its weight and allowing it to float. Notably, Drebbel's submarine was human-powered and had limited endurance. However, it laid the foundation for subsequent developments in submarine technology.

May I humbly suggest that you follow the directions. RESEARCH the subject and then you will be able to answer the questions. I don't think anyone here will write your paper for you.