1. Tom and Jerry had a total of 64 stamps at first. After giving 7 stamps to Tom, Jerry had the same number of stamps as Tom. How many stamps did Tom have at first?

2. May buys a bag of apples at a supermarket. If she gives $30 to the cashier and receives $25 in change, how much does she pay for the bag of apples?

1. Let's assume that Tom had x stamps at first. According to the information given, Jerry had the same number of stamps after giving Tom 7 stamps. Therefore, Jerry had (x - 7) stamps.

We know that the total number of stamps they had at first was 64. So, we can set up the following equation:

x + (x - 7) = 64

Simplifying the equation:

2x - 7 = 64

Adding 7 to both sides of the equation:

2x = 71

Dividing both sides by 2:

x = 35.5

Since we cannot have a fraction of a stamp, we conclude that Tom had 35 stamps at first.

2. Let's assume that the cost of the bag of apples is x dollars. May gives $30 to the cashier and receives $25 in change.

The amount she paid for the bag of apples can be calculated by subtracting the change she received from the amount she gave:

Amount paid = Amount given - Change received

Amount paid = $30 - $25 = $5

Therefore, May paid $5 for the bag of apples.

1. To find out how many stamps Tom had at first, we can set up an equation based on the given information. Let's assume Tom had x stamps initially.

According to the problem, Tom and Jerry had a total of 64 stamps at first. So, we can say: x + (x + 7) = 64.

Here, (x + 7) represents the number of stamps Jerry had after giving 7 stamps to Tom, which is equal to the number of stamps Tom had initially.

Solving the equation, we get:
2x + 7 = 64
2x = 64 - 7
2x = 57
x = 57 / 2
x = 28.5

Since we can't have a fraction of a stamp, we conclude that Tom initially had 28 stamps.

2. To determine how much May paid for the bag of apples, we can subtract the change she received from the amount she gave to the cashier.

May initially gave $30 to the cashier and received $25 in change. So, the difference between the amount May gave and the change she received will give us the cost of the bag of apples.

Cost of the bag of apples = Amount given - Change received
Cost of the bag of apples = $30 - $25
Cost of the bag of apples = $5

Therefore, May paid $5 for the bag of apples.

t+j = 64

j-7 = t+7
solve for t

really? 30-25 = ___
ever actually been to a store and received change?