hey, I am just doing this my way and my way is like this... just wait and see...

BTW it's πŸ‘‡
Lesson 4: Connotative Meanings
Language Arts 6 B Unit 7: Writing a Narrative

1. The exact definition of a word is its ________ meaning. Answer: literal

2. An author uses connotative meanings to ______________.
Answer: provide readers with a feeling.
3. What is connotation? Answer: the feelings associated with a word
4. Which type of connotation remains impartial, meaning that it does not reveal good or bad feelings? Answer: neutral
can someone check my work, please?

1. literal

2. provide readers with a feeling.
3. the feelings associated with a word
4. neutral

these answers are for Word Choice Quick Check

1. Which of the following terms describes the way a reader feels?
Answer: mood (i love the song)
2.Which of the following terms describes the writer’s attitude toward his or her subject?
Answer: tone
3. What is it called when words have multiple meanings or shades of meaning?
Answer: nuances
4. What do you have to pay attention to when it comes to the nuances of words as a reader?
Answer: the context
your welcome.

well, thanks that means a lot to me thanks 😭t-thanks I hope to help everyone I can!πŸ™‚ and for those who I can't, I am VERY VERY SORRY! I am the kind of person that is kind and hopeful for everyone.

love u sooo much . thanks for helping

Does anyone want math answers?

hector spent $37.50.

Step-by-step explanation: The equation that matches the word problem is: 3/4 (50)=m. HOPE THIS HELPS 🧑.


15/18=5/6 <*> ,~, <*>

you know I'm just a preteen right &.8 and I am answering a lot for you...

no, there a correct I just did the assessment thanks for your little help I guess?