I've been brainstorming about the idea that Guru gave about the novel and here's what I have of the summary so far. I can't think of an ending for it though like a conclusion or even how she finds out that it's the crow. help please!

Credits to GuruBlue from Jiskha
Summary: There’s this girl named Valerie and she’s usually good but now sometimes in her head she hears voices telling her to do things that she normally wouldn’t do; things that are wrong. For example in school her teacher failed her in one class so this voice that she knows isn’t her own keeps telling her to go to the teacher and shout at her, or tell her off for failing her. For a while Valerie can control this but soon it starts getting out of hand. Nina, her best friend at school, starts noticing this behavior and tries to talk to her about it. This just makes Valerie angrier and she looses all the self control she had been holding and starts yelling at Nina and giving violent threats. Basically she is venting all her irritation and frustration out at her friend.
The next day Valerie notices that Nina doesn’t even look towards her and she obviously spread the news because everyone in school starts avoiding Valerie, even in the halls. When Valerie goes home, she sits in her room aggravated. She doesn’t know why this is happening: she always got A’s in all her classes, she was always pleasant to everyone, she had many friends, and she seldom got angry. As she gazes out the window she notices a black crow and recognizes it. Every time there is a voice in her head, she sees this crow somewhere. She decides that it must be a mere coincidence and lets it go.
[How can Valerie find out that it is the crow doing this, why he is doing this, and how she can stop it? Thanks!] -MC

Here is where you take a walk with a pencil and piece of paper.... jot down all the possible ways she might come to associate her behavior and the crow...no matter how far out...just let your mind run on. After you have had your "brainstorming" session, sit down and see if you can fill out each idea. The ones that make you either nauseous or want to say "feathers", throw away. Keep sorting until one really fits and makes you smile.

OK thanks for that..I'm gonna go do just that. But what do you think of it so far? You think it's getting somewhere? Thanks


I think this will be fun! I think you will enjoy the process!! I think it is a GREAT learning experience.

Re: the novel...the idea of a crow "crowing" over controlling a girl makes me smile... waiting to see how he gets his "come-up-ance" <G>

To find an ending for your novel and answer the questions about Valerie discovering that the crow is responsible for her behavior, you can consider the following steps:

1. Explore the symbolism of the crow: Start by delving into the symbolism and characteristics commonly associated with crows. Research their significance in various cultures, myths, and literature. This will help you develop a deeper understanding of the intentions behind the crow's actions.

2. Foreshadowing and clues: Throughout the story, sprinkle hints and clues that suggest a connection between Valerie's episodes and the appearance of the crow. These clues can be subtle, such as references to crows in her dreams, unusual occurrences whenever the crow is nearby, or Valerie noticing the crow observing her during moments of heightened emotions.

3. Research and discovery: Valerie's curiosity about the crow gradually grows, and she decides to research the symbolism and behavior of crows further. She might consult books, online resources, or even seek out people who possess knowledge of folklore or animal symbolism.

4. Meet a knowledgeable character: Introduce a character who has knowledge about the supernatural or is familiar with crows and their significance. This character could be a wise old woman, a historian, or someone with supernatural abilities. They can provide Valerie with valuable information and guide her on her journey to understanding and resolving the issue.

5. Climactic confrontation: Valerie could ultimately have a face-to-face encounter with the crow, either in a dream or in reality. This confrontation would offer an opportunity for the crow to reveal its true intentions and the source of its influence over Valerie's mind.

6. Resolution and overcoming the influence: With the knowledge gained and the guidance of the knowledgeable character, Valerie develops a plan to break free from the crow's influence. This could involve rituals, charms, or finding a way to confront and defeat the crow's power. The resolution should coincide with Valerie's personal growth and her regaining control over her thoughts and actions.

Remember to weave these elements into the narrative, building suspense and maintaining consistency with Valerie's character development. By utilizing these steps, you can create a satisfying and logical conclusion that ties together the mystery of the crow and Valerie's journey of self-discovery.