In the diagrams below, particle x has a small negative charge. Each yellow particle carries a large negative charge of equal value. Particle x would have the greatest potential energy if placed at which location in the following electric fields

To determine the location where particle x would have the greatest potential energy in the given electric fields, we need to look at the principles of electric potential energy.

In an electric field, the potential energy of a charged particle depends on its charge and its position relative to other charged particles. The formula for electric potential energy is:

PE = q * V

where PE is the potential energy, q is the charge of the particle, and V is the electric potential.

In this case, particle x has a small negative charge, and each yellow particle carries a large negative charge of equal value. Since both the charges are negative, placing particle x in the field of other negative charges will result in a higher potential energy.

Let's analyze the diagrams provided:

Diagram 1:
- In this diagram, particle x is surrounded by positive charges. Placing particle x in this field wouldn't result in a high potential energy since positive charges repel negative charges. Therefore, this location would have the least potential energy.

Diagram 2:
- In this diagram, particle x is surrounded by negative charges. Placing particle x in this field would result in both attraction and repulsion forces due to the interactions between the negative charges. However, since each yellow particle carries a large negative charge, the repulsion forces will outweigh the attraction forces, resulting in a higher potential energy compared to the first diagram.

Diagram 3:
- In this diagram, particle x is in a field that consists of a mix of positive and negative charges. The presence of positive charges can attract particle x, which would lower the potential energy. However, since each yellow particle carries a large negative charge, the repulsion forces would still dominate and result in a higher potential energy compared to the first diagram but lower potential energy compared to the second diagram.

Therefore, in the given electric fields, particle x would have the greatest potential energy when placed in the field shown in "Diagram 2," where it is surrounded by negative charges.