Could Some One Help Me With These Questions .. Filling The Gaps

1) A ________ sound has a large amplitude.
2) A _________ sound is produced by small vibrations.
3) A High Sound is produced by quick __________.

thank you for the help .. x

Of course! I'd be happy to help you fill in the gaps for these questions about sound.

1) A loud sound has a large amplitude.
To understand this concept, it's important to know that sound waves are vibrations that travel through a medium, such as air or water. The amplitude of a sound wave corresponds to the maximum displacement of the particles in the medium from their resting position. In simpler terms, it measures how strong or intense a sound is. So, when we say that a sound has a large amplitude, we mean it is loud or noisy.

2) A soft sound is produced by small vibrations.
When an object vibrates, it causes the surrounding particles in the medium to vibrate as well, creating sound waves. The size or magnitude of these vibrations determines the loudness or softness of the sound produced. So, if an object is producing small vibrations, it will generate a soft sound.

3) A high sound is produced by quick vibrations.
The pitch of a sound is determined by the frequency of the sound waves, which refers to how quickly the particles in the medium vibrate back and forth. The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch of the sound. So, when we say that a sound is high, it means that it is produced by quick vibrations.

Remember, these explanations are based on the concepts of amplitude, frequency, and pitch in relation to sound waves.