Perform all operations. Give the answer in

a + bi
(−4 + 3i) + (3 − 6i)

add the reals and add the imaginaries

(−4 + 3i) + (3 − 6i)
= -4 + 3i + 3 - 6i
= -1 - 3i

how easy is that?

To perform the addition of complex numbers (-4 + 3i) and (3 - 6i), we combine the real parts and the imaginary parts separately.

Step 1: Add the real parts of the complex numbers:
-4 + 3 = -1

Step 2: Add the imaginary parts of the complex numbers:
3i - 6i = -3i

So, the result of the addition is (-1 - 3i).

To add complex numbers, you add the real parts and the imaginary parts separately. Let's perform the addition step by step:

First, add the real parts:
-4 + 3 = -1

Then, add the imaginary parts:
3i - 6i = -3i

So, the sum of (-4 + 3i) + (3 - 6i) is -1 - 3i. Hence, the answer is -1 - 3i in a + bi form.