A box of apples was delivered to Paul's Pies and Cakes. He put half of the apples aside for a pie he would make later. He put 25 of the remaining apples in the refrigerator. That left 6 apples to use in his muffins. How many apples were in the box at first?

Box/2 - 25 = 6

B/2 = 31
B = 62

Half = 25 + 6

Take it from there.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Let's assume the number of apples in the box at first is x.

2. Paul put aside half of the apples for a pie, which means he kept (1/2)x apples for the pie.

3. After setting aside the apples for the pie, he had (1/2)x apples left.

4. He then put 25 of the remaining apples in the refrigerator, which means he used (1/2)x - 25 apples.

5. After putting the apples in the refrigerator, he had 6 apples left for his muffins, which means we have the equation:

(1/2)x - 25 = 6

6. Let's solve the equation for x:

(1/2)x = 6 + 25
(1/2)x = 31

7. Multiply both sides of the equation by 2 to get rid of the fraction:

x = 31 * 2
x = 62

Therefore, there were initially 62 apples in the box.

To solve this problem, we need to work backwards.

Given that 6 apples were used for muffins, we can assume that the number of remaining apples after putting 25 in the refrigerator is 25 + 6 = 31 apples.

Since Paul put half of the apples aside for a pie, we can assume that the original number of apples is twice the remaining apples, i.e., 31 x 2 = 62 apples.

Therefore, there were 62 apples in the box at first.